About Me

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Hello! My name is Jess and I love to do anything creative and artsy in any way. I'm always wanting to learn new methods and improve my skills, musically & artistically. I started blogging initially to share what was going on in my life, but now I am using it as a business tool, as well as sharing with my friends artsy fartsy things I've made and learned! I love to paint and make custom art, if there's anything you need, please let me know, I always love a challenge! I hope you enjoy reading, come back often!!

The Quest follow-up.

Soooo...the Quest was A-Mazing and the kids were first class. God totally moved and the kids were forever changed. We are SO proud of them! The thing that made us the most proud wasn't what happened at Quest. What made us the proudest was when we got back and had youth the following Sunday night. They brought it back with them people! We started praise and worship, and I felt them pulling on me harder than I've felt...well, ever. They were ready for whatever God wanted to do and believe me, God did it. I can't wait to see what all God is going to do with our young people. They are world changers for Him and now that they know it, everybody better watch out! :)


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