About Me

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Hello! My name is Jess and I love to do anything creative and artsy in any way. I'm always wanting to learn new methods and improve my skills, musically & artistically. I started blogging initially to share what was going on in my life, but now I am using it as a business tool, as well as sharing with my friends artsy fartsy things I've made and learned! I love to paint and make custom art, if there's anything you need, please let me know, I always love a challenge! I hope you enjoy reading, come back often!!

05/28/10: Topsy Turvy Tomato Tourture Chamber

Have you ever seen those "Topsy-Turvy" Tomato pot things? You know, the things that hang the tomato plants upside down so that "all the nutients get forced down into the tomatoes via gravity"? What a crock!

This is what they promise on the commercials:

This is what they actually look like (This is a really good picture):

Notice that the leaves on the left side of the plant have begun to curl and dry up. Also notice that the tomato plant's limbs/leaves have TURNED AROUND AND STARTED GROWING UP TOWARDS THE HEAVENS. That is the way they were designed to grow. They need sun, people. I wish I had a picture of what my neighbor's poor, sad, little tomato plants look like. Every time I drive by I want to take them down and plant them in the ground to save their lives. They have been in those upside down pots for like, a month and they are less than a foot high, have no tomatoes on them, and they are beginning to turn brown. I have a message for the inventors of the Topsy-Turvy Tomato planters, or as I like to call them "Topsy-Turvy Tomato Tourture Chambers": God didn't design tomatoes to grow upside down! I know we like to think we can improve on His genius, but we can't. He's got it all figured out, thank you.

That's all. I just wanted to vent. :)


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