About Me

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Hello! My name is Jess and I love to do anything creative and artsy in any way. I'm always wanting to learn new methods and improve my skills, musically & artistically. I started blogging initially to share what was going on in my life, but now I am using it as a business tool, as well as sharing with my friends artsy fartsy things I've made and learned! I love to paint and make custom art, if there's anything you need, please let me know, I always love a challenge! I hope you enjoy reading, come back often!!

Sleep...ya know I never get enough. I'm always wakin' up tired...-Riley Armstrong

Ugh. This early morning crap is getting to me. Tomorrow I get to go back to my normal schedule, whatever that is. :) I'm serious when I say I could probably sleep for like, three days straight. I know that sounds incredibly lazy, but I'm not naturally a lazy person. I just enjoy sleep. Plus, I totally am a night owl, so that means I sleep in whenever I get the chance, to make up for it. Anyway, today's blog is boring, my apologies. I'll try to blog again today and make up for it. haha.


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