About Me

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Hello! My name is Jess and I love to do anything creative and artsy in any way. I'm always wanting to learn new methods and improve my skills, musically & artistically. I started blogging initially to share what was going on in my life, but now I am using it as a business tool, as well as sharing with my friends artsy fartsy things I've made and learned! I love to paint and make custom art, if there's anything you need, please let me know, I always love a challenge! I hope you enjoy reading, come back often!!


So I'm listening to Kings of Leon at work and I realized something...I haven't blogged in a while!

So basically we've had about four inches of snow here the last couple of days, which is exciting, and they're saying we're supposed to get more on Thursday & Friday! YAY!

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, my Saints won the Superbowl and Drew Brees got MVP! Sarahbeth and I had fun rubbing that one in at the Church Superbowl party on Sunday night, complete with a toe touch from Sarahbeth. Needless to say, there were some sore losers there. :)

I am in the process of cleaning out our office at home so I can start working on my artwork again. It's something I've let kinda burn low in my life, but I am still quite passionate about it. Sooo, this year I'm planning on fanning the flame of that talent and hopefully, I can make something good!

Kev and I are about to redecorate, or should I say DECORATE our living room! My uncle gave us a bunch of wood flooring, so we're gonna rip out the carpet and put that down. We're also gonna paint, and put down some different tile around the fireplace and at the back door. I'm pretty excited about it! I love decorating, but I never take the time to do it. I hope this goes well!

Anyway, that's the immediate update on me lately. I'll try to blog some more tomorrow!

Lovin life, lovin you!


Mandy Deitering said...

YAY on Blogging!!!! I am super excited about you starting your artwork again!!! It makes me happy!

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