So this week we're having our semi-annual Fireside chats. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous about going to this. Not because of anything that Pastor will say, I'm totally in support of him, but because of the people that like to cause controversy and strife during these meetings. Ugh. These are supposed to be a laid back, fellowshippy meetings where Pastor casts the vision for the year and updates everyone on the situation of the Church. In previous years, it's been a bit trying to be there, because usually at some point in the meeting, somebody throws out a controversial question or makes a smart alleck remark with the specific intention of causing strife. I mean, if they're so unhappy with things why don't they set up a meeting with Pastor and let him have it in private? That's why I know it's specifically designed for strife. If it was pure concern they were expressing, they wouldn't need to spout it out for everyone to hear with the hopes of inciting a riot. Anyway, sorry for venting. This year I am holding out hope that it will be a good time and all involved will be excited for the coming year!